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10 Quick Tips For Beginners : Off The Grid


Updated: Oct 25, 2024


If you’re looking to try the new free to play game Off The Grid but you’re not sure where to start or what it really is, then stick around.  In this video i’m going to go over my top ten tips to help you start winning more games.   As we go along if you have any helpful tips yourself, drop them in the comments.

  1. After watching the awesome intro cinematic and landing on the main menu, navigate to the Hex’s tab and see if you have any Hex cubes available.  If possible decode all of them you have to add things to your inventory right away.  You won’t understand what to do with these but don’t worry i’ll explain it in a minute and you don’t really need them anyway.  It just helps to understand exactly what you’re looking for when you drop in and why you need them. 

  2. The game doesn’t really do a good job explaining what the objective is and what you’re supposed to do so i’m going to make it real simple for you.  You really have two main paths you can take when you deploy to teardrop island. The first path you can take is to loot up and try to win the game in classic battle royale fashion. Now I don’t recommend taking this approach.  There’s a lot happening in this game and it helps to get a lay of the land, understand the mechanics of the game and what you actually need to fight.  So the second path is what I recommend most people do for their first 10-20 matches, and that’s loot with extraction in mind.  Remember those hex cubes we talked about earlier? Well the goal is to loot around the map to find more of those cubes and when you find one, take it to the extraction site and start the extraction. If done successfully you can return to the main menu and decode the cube with the in game currency to build up your inventory. Now there are cosmetic items in the cubes so look at the cube you find to make sure it’s something worth extracting like a weapon you actually want.  Unless you find an extractor in some remote part of the map, there’s a good chance that enemy teams will show up to steal your extraction once you start it

  3. When picking up cyberlimbs pay attention to what effect or perk it gives you. I highly recommend the ones that give you crazy movement.  Not just because they are fun but because there will be situations where enemy teams pop up out of nowhere and the only chance you have of getting out of the fights is to use all the movement you have at your disposal.  My personal favorites are the road runner legs that give you insane movement speed but leave behind a trail of lightning for enemies to follow.  In most cases this will give you enough time to reposition, heal up or find some high ground or a zipline to deploy your jet pack and get away. The Leapers which launch you into the sky and even allow you to double jump and redeploy your jetpack.  And last the grapple hook which also helps you cover distance quickly and can help you reposition on high ground above your enemies.  When you’re brand new it helps to have these get out of jail free cards because you’re probably not going to have a full grasp one what’s happening during the gunfights. 

  4.  Piggy backing off of the cyberlimbs it’s important to master the jetpack controls early.  Once you’re in the air you can pull up and down many times to fly for a really, really long distance.  I’m not sure if this is intentional and may get toned down in the future but while it’s in the game, take full advantage of it to either get out of a gunfight, catch up to your teammates or get into the safe zone when the ring is closing.

  5. How does the game mode work? Well it’s a combination of battle royale with extraction elements.  But it also works exactly like resurgence from warzone. As long as one of your teammates is alive you can redeploy so long as they survive the countdown timer.  There are also terminals around the map where they can buy you back instantly if they have enough money and once the circle closes to the final few rings, redeployment is disabled and buying teammates is the only way to get them back.

  6. I’m going to throw this in here just in case it helps some of you guys out.  But the weapon rarity system goes as follows, starting with the lowest it goes white, green, blue and purple being the best rarity. This goes for both weapons and backpacks.  At the moment there is no “auto swap” feature where it will automatically pick up a better version of the weapon you are currently holding so pay attention while you’re looting to the different colors of the weapons and backpacks. And it also does not warn you or stop you from swapping to a worse version of any item so keep your eyes peeled.

  7. When you first start out you have almost nothing available to build your loadout with.  But after extracting a few hex cubes with weapons you can start to build your loadout to call in during the game.  Keep in mind the more rare the item and the more items you put in your loadout, the more expensive it is to call in.  Now I don’t believe you actually lose these items from your inventory when you die, you just lose access to them during the game.  So if you redeploy after getting killed with your loadout, you’ll have to land on your body to pick them back up. 

  8. As you play the game and earn xp you’ll obviously level up.  And leveling up earns you more of the in game currency that you can spend on decoding more hex cubes, however, if you pay for the pro version of the game at 12 dollars per month you level up even faster and earn more of the currency for each level. 

  9.  Avoid fighting as much as possible in your first matches.  I was shocked at how good everyone seems to be for the game being new and in early access.   Now of course you have to get a feel for how gunfights play out but it’s more important that you understand all the cyberlimbs and weapons available.  Because if you grab a weapon off the rip and run straight towards the gunfire there’s a good chance you’re going to get deleted and be confused as to what just happened.  This game isn’t very good at giving players feedback on what’s happening in the game and there’s no kill cam or death report to help you understand how you lost the fight.  So take your time, learn some of the weapons and cyberlimb abilities in the game before you charge into the chaos. 

  10. Once you feel confident enough to try and fight, pay attention to what the announcer says.  When an enemy team starts an extraction they will make an announcement and you can find the extraction site on the map. If you’re able to take out the enemy team and steal their extraction you will be awarded the hex cube instead of them. I highly recommend carrying a sniper for this because there always seems to be someone up on height watching over it and the snipers in this game are incredibly strong. At the very least it gives you a high zoom optic to see the extraction site and find where the enemy team is posted up.  



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